Friday, November 20, 2009

Exploring Trails

I explored some new trails on yesterday's run. I ran on the opposite side of the Ossipee River from where I usually run. Kevin had spotted and started to explore these on his bike last weekend and I had been looking forward to getting out there for a look. As often happens when exploring trails in a settled area, I eventually popped out of the woods in some one's back yard. I know snowmobiles go through there in the winter, so there has to be a way to continue on. I couldn't figure it out. I pushed on for a while in the direction I thought the trail should continue, but lost the trail and ended up bushwhacking back out to the road. The exploring part of my run was done at a very casual pace, stopping here and there to think about which direction to go and walking some overgrown areas. I ran home on the road, trying to pick up the pace a little for that stretch.

It strikes me as interesting that I found that run very entertaining. Years ago when I went out for a run I just wanted to run. I would try out new trails and if they were good running I'd be happy because I had a new route to run! But if they turned out to involve back-tracking or bushwhacking, or if they got so messy that I had to walk over stretches, I would get very annoyed thinking I was wasting time and ruining a good run. I was way too serious about the whole training thing! Yes, it's good to have a plan and a direction to head in with daily workouts and runs, but if things don't go as planned it's nice to be able to just make the most of it.

So I didn't do a lot of hard work on my run, but I spent some good time out in the woods on a beautiful sunny Fall day. I loved it. I did a double strength workout later in the day to make up for my weak excuse for a run. I did my planned arms, abs, and back, but also did my leg workout. I'm feeling it this morning!

I'll be heading out into the rain in an hour or so for a nice soggy run. Then I'm thinking about putting my road bike on my resistance trainer. I pedal hard, not fast when I use the trainer and think of it as strength work, not cardio. So it will be another good leg strength workout. It's never too early to start thinking about snowshoe season!

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