Friday, June 12, 2009


The prognosis isn't as good as I'd hoped, but it could be worse. It turns out that my hip pain is actually referred from my lumbar spine. I've had problems with a herniated disc in the same spot in my spine years ago. I opted not to have surgery and had alternative treatments instead. So it isn't a very stable spine. My mis-step at Massanutten caused some inflamation in this troubled area. I don't think my fall at Nipmuck helped it any. To prove that it is my spine and not my hip, my doctor kindly jammed his thumb into the problem spot on my spine and caused a jolt of pain to shoot into the part of my hip that has been hurting. This explains my clumsy running, falls and muscle cramps.

He tells me no running or high impact activity for at least 4 weeks and promises that if I follow this advice I can continue to avoid surgery. He'll see me again in a week. I had mentioned in my previous post that I have known my doctor for a long time and he has seen me through a lot of injuries over the years. Today he asked, "how many more miles do you plan to run in your lifetime, anyway?" I answered, "Lots!" And I do.


  1. Four weeks? Not bad, considering.

  2. Glad it's not worse and hope the four weeks flies by for you. Avoiding surgery is always a good thing.

  3. I know four weeks sounds like a long time....but now you can enjoy some other activities like biking.....and (hiking?)

  4. "I am a little wounded, but I am not slain; I will lay me down to bleed a while. Then I'll rise and fight again." -John Dryden

  5. Laurel, I loved your reply to the doctor. Take the time off and you'll come back even stronger.

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